Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Title of Product
I respect. Active citizenship, cultural diversity and positive tolerance
Image of the product
Name of Author(s)
Name of Producer
Date of Production
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Web Site
Thematic Area
Integration of immigrants students
Target Group
Teachers, Students, Parents
Website of the Product
Description of Contents
This is an eLearning Awards 2004 winner web portal on active citizenship, cultural diversity and positive tolerance. It contains easy to access activities that are connected to particular minority groups, such as ethnic minority children, African and Caribbean children, Traveller children. The activities are based in Gloucestershire, UK through several bodies, such as the Race, Equality and Diversity Service.
There are examples of English as Additional language (procedures for schools, working with beginners, good practice case studies, training and resources).
The Mosaic-Diversity calendar provides dates or religious festivals, important dates for race equality, local and national events. There are links to resources to find out more and help you celebrate events. You click on the image to the left to see celebrations, read case studies and recipes.
There is also a section on Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA Team) projects that include Vision mentoring; Local Organisations; Parent Training; Jamaica Linking; and external links to Black History; and Pupil Achievement. This section also includes activities for children and cross-curricular activities inspired by a visit to Kigulya Primary School in rural Uganda in order to promote empathy with, and respect for, children's lives in another locality and culture.
In the web portal one can also find a collection of true stories from children refugees and asylum seekers, talking books, bilingual books and family partnership books. These come in two parts : a) teachers manual b) pupils manual. They offer a step-by-step approach to producing family books about culture, country, traditions, food, education etc. The purpose is to encourage all members of the family and extended family to contribute to a book about their country and their life. Examples of completed books are also available.
The structure of the web portal is relatively clear, with a left menu that guides the viewer through all the sections and through a top horizontal menu. The sequence of contents is somewhat logical but not easy to follow by an untrained teacher, a parent or a student. However, the content quality is very high and the philosophy of the web portal is present in almost every activity. The main philosophical tenets are the promotion of active citizenship, cultural diversity, positive tolerance and affirmative action/ positive discrimination.
The web portal is best used as a resource centre that congregates the integrated efforts of Trained Inspector and practising Educational Consultant, trainer and interpreter for several European languages, a teacher of applied linguistics and experienced teachers.
Therefore, the educational and learning value of the activities proposed is relatively high. Although they result from specific contexts in the Gloucestershire County they can be easily adapted to other European contexts.
In terms of target groups, several activities are directed at teachers and head teachers, while others are easily used by primary children and by parents of minority group children.
The strength of this portal is the variety of well-prepared activities available on line, that have been tested with particular school communities of children in the UK, while the sole weakness may reside in there being too many activities and web pages connected to the portal. This renders exploration of activities time consuming and a little chaotic.

The product is a result of this previous project

Title of the project
Several projects
Funding Programme
School Education
Gloucestershire County, UK
Project number

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.