Description of Contents
Building on her experience in the field of Education, as a journalist and mother, Barbara Wong talked with parents, teachers and students from around the country and gathered in this book true reports and real situations experienced inside and outside the classroom. From these stories, which demonstrate the many difficulties that characterize the relationship between the parents and the education system - schools, principals, teachers, parents, students ... and their own children – she presents strategies, ideas and solutions for the successful education of children.
Be it to help parents choose the best school (or kindergarten), to prepare a new school year, to attend meetings or to act in extreme situations (bullying, violence, complaints of teachers or parents, etc..), this book is truly a guide that orients parents through the long and sometimes confusing paths of school life.
The Contents include: How to know the school my child is going to attend; Preparing the beginning of the school year; How about the teachers?, How to act in a parents’ meeting; What to do when my child complains of a teacher?; what to do when my child is being bullied?; what to do when school is complaining about my child?; what to do when my child commit some serious fault at school?; Why should I participate in the parents’ association?
This is a very interesting and useful work, targeted to a very specific audience, that of parents and guardians, who are often overlooked as key actors in the educational community. Its most prominent feature is that it seeks the approximation of school and parents to foster higher levels of participation in daily school life.
Since this publication is rooted in Portuguese reality, there are some particularities that are intrinsic to the Portuguese educational system. However, the author’s suggestions are largely transferrable, mutatis mutandis, to other contexts.