Description of Contents
This material is educational support program " Education Program Peer Abuse Prevention and Companions " specifically aimed at the prevention of bullying , but is part of a much broader context that aims education in democratic values, peaceful coexistence, and the promotion of tolerance and hechol paz.De education , both as the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Education has focused its warranty policy from an essentially anti-bullying education and prevention .
This guide provides guidelines for understanding what is abuse among students , how it is generated and how to approach it from the perspective of preventive and intervention with the intention that schools address from this problem properly .
Specifically , the content of the guide is dividado into four main sections , that the set of authors from different disciplines condieran the keys to effective care . These are:
1. Life in classrooms and school violence : a unit we placed before the subject. It explains basic concepts such as bullying or aggression .
2 . Preventing school violence : in this module the guide aims to train professionals to know how to intervene preventively to cases of school violence.
3 . Direct Intervention Strategies : In this module gives us material internal and external resources to develop them in the intervention.
4 . References
Through them all, is intended to achieve a major goal : the prevention trtabajo affects each and every one of the people living in the educational community (families , teachers and students) and is made with all situations that , one way or another, affect the climate of peaceful coexistence and companionship that should prevail in schools .
The material has an ordered and logical , and can be useful for professionals of different levels of competence and knowledge on this subject . Each of the three different parts both in level of complexity as subject to be treated. With the first , the professional can master all the key concepts of the problem on all sides . Called "life in the classroom and school violence ," consists of four chapters that present a review of scientific findings on four main elements: a) the key relationships between equals, b ) the conceptual delimitation aggressiveness, discipline and peer violence , c ) a description of the psychosocial profiles of victims , perpetrators and bystanders of violence , and d ) a summary of the research conducted so far on violence in schools .
The second part , designed to provide substantial elements of prevention , is composed of seven chapters devoted to different lines of action: how to make an educational project to improve relationships and prevent violence at school , how to enhance the formation teachers in the field; specific activities to develop primary school students , to do secondary education or to make inserted in projects focusing on Human Rights , in coeducation or about the environment .
The third part is dedicated to providing the keys to developing intervention strategies directly , either with students at risk or with those directly involved : victims , perpetrators and bystanders of violence. It also presents the results of a telephone helpline and a compendium of readings and resources against school violence.
Therefore, the material has more strengths than weaknesses. From our point of view , these are :
- Addresses the complexity of psic9olosociales processes that may lead to incidents of school violence, and helps professionals to anticipate in their preventive and remedial actions .
- It offers a lot of individual resources and specific activities to perform in the classroom, which greatly facilitates the task of finding professional alternatives to achieve the same goal among students.
- Explains how to develop various direct action programs among students involved in bullying problems , and facilitate its implementation in schools even if they have a professional specifically trained for it .
- It is a material which explains relevant topics on school violence .
- It is freely available on the Internet.
Weakness: was published in 1998 and , although still widely used by professionals, is somewhat outdated in some respects.
Therefore, their functionality to the School Project Safety Net is obvious, and providing the information and resources needed to respond to bullying and , therefore, to prevent school failure and dropping out .