Title of Product
Name of Author(s)
Blickpunkt Identität (Coordinador)
Name of Producer
Leonardo Da Vinci programme
Language of the review
Language of the product
Thematic Area
Identification of students’ at risk
Description of Contents
The overall objective of the project is to reduce the drop out rates of learners in vocational education and training, by providing materials and tools for counsellors and trainers to develop their own skills in working with groups, to detect potential dropouts and the special characteristics of learners’ groups, provide support adjusted to individual needs, and thereby improve the quality of their vocational education systems.
The Stop Dropout project focuses on finding at-risk individuals, evaluating their needs and providing them with flexible support. It consists of three tools that counsellors and administrators can use at various school levels, educational centres and other institutions. The tools are based on a holistic approach with the focus on the individual and his/her future opportunities.
The three components are
The Risk Detector, an interactive electronic tool designed for counsellors to identify individuals at risk of school failure and dropping out. The technique is designed to evaluate students’ strengths and weaknesses that are considered important in the learning environment to assess not only the risk of school failure but also what type of support is most suitable for different groups of students.
The Personal Profile, an interview schema for counsellors designed to systematically assist at-risk individuals to examine their strengths and weaknesses and learning environment so they can define their needs in order to better fulfil their educational and personal goals.
The Flexible Prevention and Support System prevents young people from dropping out of school and assists those that have already dropped out. It is a framework for counsellors and other professionals working with young learners and is based on individual needs and provides suitable support within various communities. The cooperation is based on working on individual basis and finding suitable solutions for each individual involved.
The Portal Project Stop Drop out is a tool that can be helpful for teachers to detect early, the potential risk of dropping out because it offers the keys to reducing absenteeism rates in the education sector professional . Almost all materials for dropout prevention are focused on compulsory education , which is why , this material is an excellent supplement to help young Europeans stay longer in the education system and so ensure, as far as possible social integration through training in specific professional tasks .
As in all European project , this material focuses on the analysis of the situation in four countries : Austria , Czech Republic , Slovenia and Germany. Heterogeneous for easy transfer to other neighboring countries . But the project is not limited to the description of the state of matter in these countries. Also, we describe a procedure to follow once detected the risk of abandonment and concrete actions arising from the different participating countries have been carried out successfully for dropout reduction . What it offers European teachers a diverse set of options to be deployed to tackle this issue . Additionally , we analyze different premises evaluated by the different countries participating in the project that may be helpful to clarify key concepts to teachers , such as quantitative and qualitative differences on absenteeism data considering gender and other related variables . The portal also provides a section where to find the contact details of each project partner , in order to provide professionals interested in the subject direct contact in which consultation or request information .
Very interesting are the three tools that are expected to be developed at the end of the project: an interactive electronic tool for detecting risk situations an interview schedule for teachers guide take you on task profesonal and a support system prevention flexible. But we should expect this to be effective .
To recapitulate , the product itself is very elaborate and integrates a large number of resources that enhance that teachers can make a joint and cooperative and so provides professionals intervening with early truancy cases . Your ability to transfer is very high, as well as being written in English and have an option to choose from five languages , we can locate it easily on the net. It would be advisable to be translated into other languages, such as Spanish , to serve as a model to as many professionals as possible.
For all this, we can confirm the usefulness of dropout Stop Portal for the European project "School Safety Net" since it is consistent are the theoretical and practical model that proposes and therefore helps to ensure that intervention strategies will be consistent with the same and will enhance the coherence in the intervention against truancy .
The product is a result of this previous project
Title of the project
Vocational Education Training
Leonardo Da Vinci programme