Title of Product
Education Services to students with disabilities in the autonomous community of Andalusia
Name of Author(s)
Sebastián Sánchez Fernández, Eladio Bodas González, Rafael Eloy Fedriani Real, Remedios Martínez Oliva, Jesús Fernández Bujalance, Francisco Jesús González Vázquez, José Gijón Puerta, Carlos María Vázquez Reyes.
Name of Producer
Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Educación y Ciencia.
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Book, Online Publication
Thematic Area
Students with learning difficulties
Description of Contents
This book is a useful orientation guide for families on addressing specific needs that can show the students with disabilities , opting for an education based on equal opportunities . Among the contents of the book we find patterns of schools and types of education for people with disabilities , aspects to be considered for admission of students in different types of schools , admission criteria established by law , issues related to the connection between family and school, among others.
It presents specific chapters on specific care for students with hearing, visual , motoric , mental retardation, autism or giftedness incorporating the possibilities for adequate adaptation of the curriculum.
It also addresses the social guarantee programs for those students who have not earned the title Compulsory Education Graduate School , providing information on its dual : general education and basic training for the occupation.
It also analyzes the educational guidance including information on EOEs ( Educational Guidance Teams ) : objectives, functions , professionals that integrate ...
It also includes a section on the European Agency for the development of special educational needs , international cooperation organization aimed at spreading information, materials, innovation projects , resources and technologies for the education of students with special needs .
Finally , we describe the current regulations for diversity at the time of the publication of the book and a list of existing resources in Andalusia that includes specific special education centers , educational guidance equipment , specialized equipment, facilities with sign language interpreters , hospital wards , the European Agency in Andalusia and a Directory of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The book is easy to read and very suitable for families of students with learning difficulties and specific disabilities , addressing theoretical and practical aspects of the subject treated that facilitate the continuous decisions that these families should be taking . The material has a hierarchical sequence that starts from the most basic aspects of care for the disabled and are common to all of them , to the specifics of each type of disability .
This material is useful for families with disabled persons , since in most cases they do not know how to deal with different educational situations . This resource can be formed , in a clear and concrete , existing educational resources in the autonomous community of Andalusia.
One of his greatest strengths is the presentation, in an organized, specific information on the types of education that exist in our community, the organization and criteria for admission of students , as well as existing and specialized care. Also among its strengths include coverage for various situations, attention to diversity , clarity of terms , the international character which is to integrate the European Agency for the development of special educational needs and practical information that could be used by teachers.
For improvement , it would be advisable to introduce specific teaching strategies and resources developed to work cooperatively and family-school to perform an update , as there have been some changes in the last twelve years of schooling level and relevant legislation .
With respect to the transfer of the material is remarkable collaboration with European project which facilitates its dissemination , although it is written in Castilian and that can be a barrier to diffusion.
Attention to diversity is an essential element in the School Project Safety Net, and that certain types of absenteeism is manifested by a rejection and a lack of adjustment of the pupil to school motivated sometimes by a difficulty to keep up with normalized learning . This difficulty may be related to a mismatch between the skills of students and the resources and strategies used by teachers . Also , sometimes the lack of tools or resources can also lead to a lack of teacher motivation . Another major cause of the risk of truancy with students with learning difficulties is the lack of material resources in the educational institution which precludes individualized treatment needed by learners. It is also associated with disadvantaged backgrounds where families have less training and sensitivity to the potential development of these students . Therefore, the relationship between this material, which aims to minimize the cases of exclusion due to disability , and the School Safety Net Project , which includes elements truancy risk social exclusion is evident. Therefore, any practice that improves this risk factor will be important for the Project objective .