Title of Product
Study on the immigration phenomenon in Romania. Foreigners’ integration in the Romanian society
Name of Author(s)
Authors: Iris Alexe, Bogdan Ciubotariu, Eugendania Ghita, Laura Husti-Radulet, Daniela Tarnovschi, Louis Ulrich, Bogdan Paunescu
Coordinators: Iris Alexe, Bogdan Paunescu
Name of Producer
Soros Foundation România 2011
Date of Production
April 2011
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Online Publication
Thematic Area
Integration of immigrants students
Target Group
Headmasters, Teachers, Students, Parents
Description of Contents
„Study on the immigration phenomenon in Romania. Foreigners’ integration in the Romanian society” represents the result of a diagnosis of the current situation and a forecast of immigration trends in Romania on the foreigners’ situation in Romania and people's perceptions on foreigners and integration of third country nationals (TCR) in the Romanian society.
The work includes:
- Documentation study on immigration and integration of foreigners in which there are presented approaches on immigration and foreigners’ integration in European and national context and there are mentioned relevant organizations for the immigrants’ integration and their services.
- People's perception of third-country nationals in Romania. Quantitative Research report, including methodology and results of its application with reference to opinions about foreigners living in Romania, the image of foreigners/immigrants from the perspective of the Romanian citizens, the Romanian public level of information about foreigners’/ immigrants issues in Romania, social distance, contact and personal experience of the population of Romania with strangers, foreigners’ social integration and the role of state institutions in this process.
- Qualitative Research Report on foreigners with legal residence in Romania
- Qualitative research among third-country nationals aimed at highlighting the course of integration into the Romanian society - case studies, life stories .
- Qualitative research methods for the identification and information channels on the third-country nationals issue, in which there are presented the general aspects of immigration and immigrants, perceptions of foreigners in Romania, Romanian third-country nationals’ level of integration, their information needs, proposals to increase awareness .
Legal immigration and third-country nationals’ integration constitute widely debated topics in the European Union, foreigners’ social integration in the host societies representing the core of the immigration policy. Familiarity with and real promotion of fundamental rights, non-discrimination and equal opportunities for everybody turn into extremely important elements extremely to ensure the third country nationals’ integration.
"Study on immigration in Romania. Foreigners’ integration in the Romanian society" conducted by the Soros Foundation in partnership with the Romanian Association for Health Promotion, presents the level of familiarity with the phenomenon of immigration and support recommendations of the third-country nationals’ integration with legal right of residence in Romania.
The study was implemented in May 2010-April 2011.
The information produced by "Study on immigration in Romania. Foreigners’ Integration in the Romanian society" aims at establishing a solid foundation of public policy developed by the Romanian authorities on foreigners’ immigration and integration .
Among the most important foreseen results of the project/study there are:
- Increase of the information level on the phenomenon and trends of the immigration in Romania
- Improvement of public knowledge concerning the phenomenon of immigration, to reduce social exclusion and discriminatory practices against third-country nationals
- Increasing accessibility of third country nationals to information on public services and programs offered by various institutions and organizations
- Increase the capacity of authorities to provide third-country nationals integrated services tailored according to realities and in order to offer efficient management of immigration
This study is addressed to the people of Romania and especially to the population in areas with communities of third country nationals, to the foreigners with legal residence in Romania, to the responsible public institutions respectively, to the Romanian authorities at central and local levels, as well as to the non governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in managing third country nationals’ immigration and integration.