Title of Product
Family Friendly (ING)
Name of Author(s)
Province of Prato
Name of Producer
IST. Datini Prato e autori vari
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Awareness Material (Leaflet, Brochure, etc)
Thematic Area
Integration of immigrants students
Target Group
Students, Parents
Description of Contents
By organizing a series of meetings we hope to gather and learn information on the needs of families through active listening of the students, to involve the participants in the issues addressed by integrating and empowering young people, and, last but not the least, to provide students and parents with tools useful for a better knowledge and understanding of the opportunities offered by the services and the area. Through Family Friendly we intend to promote and develop the best practices for the participation of foreign parents, by providing useful tools for a factual integration in the area they live in and, at the same time, to foster academic, training and working success of their children.
Family Friendly gained financial support from the Tuscan Region (Regional Authority for Participation) and aims at the involvement of the participants through the creation of workshops held by professionals with the use of innovative methodologies and technologies that ensure the simultaneous communication of many people and a quick and supported production of the participants' contributions. A sample of six school classes, for a total of about 120 students, are called to participate.