Title of Product
Radio show « the challenge of early school leaving »
Name of Author(s)
RFP (Radios Francophones Publiques)
Name of Producer
RFP (Radios Francophones Publiques)
Date of Production
27th of October 2012 on RTBF (French-speaking Belgian radio and television)
Language of the review
Language of the product
Type of product
Awareness Material (Leaflet, Brochure, etc)
Thematic Area
Identification of students’ at risk
Description of Contents
Les Radios Francophones Publiques (RTBF in Belgium, France Inter in France, Radio-Canada in Canada, RTS in Switzerland) proposes a common dossier on early school leaving.
The RFP addresses this phenomenon that has become a major concern in education.
Dropouts are more and more numerous in “rich” countries, and 2/3 (or even 3/4) of them are boys.
In France for instance, every year around 150,000 young people leaves school without a certificate. These often have behaviour troubles, learning difficulties and are absent more and more often. Some are very young and drop out during the first years.
In Quebec, early school leaving has long been a major concern. In many regions, it affects more than 20% of secondary school students. In some districts of Montreal it is even above 30%! It affects more boys than girls: in 2009, it was estimated that one boy out of four left secondary school without a certificate against 15% of girls.
How to prevent early school leaving? What solutions can be carried out? The boards of the four RFP address those challenges through four reports. Four examples of students in distress and four attempts to give them a future… A cross-perspective on possible solutions.
In French-speaking Belgium, the report is dedicated to an initiative developed by a school. The project is called “SSAS” (School Structure to Help Socialisation and Resocialisation). The purpose of this structure is first to (re-) socialise young people who have dropped out, to help them develop a life project. The idea is to keep them in the same school environment, with a more flexible supervision…
The report introduces Jordan, 17 year old. The only things he knows are rap and fights. Willy-nilly, after two years of dropping out, he joins the SSAS…
In France, the report looks at a private structure “Accueil Educatif de Jour” (AEJ – Day Care Educational Centre). Those who enter this structure are already followed for family troubles. Most of them are dropping out, without school, sometimes since several years.
The objective is to recover a taste for school. They are welcomed a few half-days per week for a progressive regain of control.
The report introduces Abd El Kader, 14 year old. He is breaking away from school and family. He has entered the AEJ…
In Canada (Quebec), the report analyses an original idea “l’École de la Relève” (ER – Relief School). This method associates courses and sport activities to give a second chance to young people in difficulty.
This programme uses sport activities to attract young people, motivate them and encourage them to finish their studies.
The report introduces Manuel, 16 year old. This hyperactive teenager has been expelled from four different schools. To get away from street gangs, he entered the ER…
In Switzerland, the report looks at the “10th school year”, outside the nine-year compulsory education, created to avoid early school leaving.
This tenth year is a kind of transition year for students who are not able to take ordinary studies, who have no vocational training or have no clue about what job they want to do.
The report introduces Steeve, 20 year old. He has already done this 10th year twice...
The journalists describe daily life in those structures through activities and testimonies of the different protagonists (teenagers, educational team, parents).
Those reports show that there are solutions to any problem. The initiatives described are good practices from which education professionals could draw inspiration.
The show is destined to all listeners. Parents can also find solutions for their children there.
This information and awareness tool is available for free to a wide audience on the RFC website.
In French-speaking Belgium, the four reports were presented in a special edition of the magazine “Transversales”, produced by the RTBF radio.