Title of Product
Save children from dropping out of school and lack of integration
Name of Author(s)
prof. Dr. Lawrence Şoitu and professor Ph. D. Ana Stoica Constantin
Name of Producer
European Institute
Language of the review
Language of the product
Thematic Area
Identification of students’ at risk
Target Group
Headmasters, Teachers, Students, Parents
Description of Contents
The guide entitled “Save children from dropping out of school and lack of integration” is a product of the project co-financed from the European Social Fund for the Operational Program Human Resources Development, published by the European Institute in 2013, under the coordination of prof. Dr. Lawrence Şoitu and professor Ph. D. Ana Stoica Constantin .
The guide contains an analysis of the dropping out causes, the presentation of the Investigative Methodology, studies on the causes of school dropout divided in developing regions : Northeast , Centre , Northwest and Southeast regions, a comparative study on different regions regarding the insights of the causes of school dropout, conclusions, recommendations, comparative study Romania - Denmark (the structure of the educational system and dropping out and school reintegration policy, intervention strategies in the SCAN project, best practices centered on: students, parents , teachers ) , intervention programs in Denmark, studies case and good practices in vocational schools, examples of counseling activities and good practices in reducing dropouts.
The analysis of the causes of dropout is meant to be a reference point in conceiving the local and national educational policy, the causes being general (families socio -economic difficulties, parents left to work abroad, students’ involvement in household activities) and some that are specific to developing regions and to the environment: family, social and economic .
SCAN project implementation strategies were common to both areas of implementation, as well as adapted to local legislation, being necessary to establish regulations for the financial support of the families, and the pupils’ guidance according to abilities and personality.
Among the intervention strategies are those meant to increase self-esteem, self-awareness and increase motivation.
The guide also includes examples of good practices, selected from the strategies applied by teachers during the project deployment.
The good practices examples aim at teachers’ involvement in reducing truancy and school dropout, especially when graduating an educational level and passing onto next one.
In order to review The good practices guide “Save children from dropout and lack of integration”, it was analyzed in terms of structure, but also in terms of content, in order to allow its use as a tool and supportive material to form masters, headmasters and teachers.
The improvements refer to:
- Conducting surveys for students, parents and teachers to identify students who are at risk of school dropout and other tools to identify students who are in such a situation ;
- From the point of view of content quality, we selected those examples of good practice considered effective for a large number of beneficiaries;
The selected models of good practice have as main goals to increase student self-esteem, self-awareness strategies , focusing on the strengths , weaknesses and updating personal success .
The activities included in the examples of good practice are both group and individual counseling, non-formal education, namely, motivational and outdoor ones.
The expected results following the activities and models presented can be useful to all schools that aim at:
- Reducing truancy and school dropout;
- Reintegrating students who have dropped out of school ;
- Increased self-esteem, self-confidence and students’ motivation to learn;
- Transforming school into a second home for students, so that it can be a pleasant environment conducive to learning, to developing personal skills and to exploitation of individual potential ;
- Parents, local communities and psychologists active involvement to improve student’ school attendance;
- Improving communication between students , parents and teachers ;
- Awareness by students of the consequences of not engaging in the conduct of school activities and their training ;
- Understanding how perfectionism can influence self-esteem ;
- Strengthen the long-term self-esteem ;
- Supporting students to become personalities aware of their own resources, able to act in order to achieve personal and professional goals, able to take decisions .
The examples of good practices are appropriate to age level and to the students’ psycho - emotional aspects aiming involving all the educational factors in reducing truancy and school dropout.
The product is a result of this previous project
Title of the project
“Save children from dropping out of school and lack of integration”
Funding Programme
European Social Funds
“Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania
Project number