Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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 Found 70 Publication(s)

“Fostering the child’s positive behaviors” - Learned Lessons - Good Practice Guide for a positive education of the parents, teachers and students Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism. Authors: Diana Stãnculeanu, psichologist Irina Petrea Consultants: Georgeta Pãunescu, coordonator program Dana Munteanu, sociolog Andreea Biji, psiholog Coordinator: Gabriela Alexandrescu
“Inducţia elevului” Ghid pentru profesori şi formatori Învățământ profesional și tehnic – Asistența tehnică
“Può un font essere uno strumento compensativo per i lettori con dislessia?” Christina Bachmann
“Può un font essere uno strumento compensativo per I lettori con dislessia?” Christina Bachmann
”Învăţarea centrată pe elev” Ghid pentru profesori şi formatori Proiect PHARE: RO 2002/000-586. Învăţământ profesional şi tehnic – Asistenţă tehnică
”Student Centered Learning” Guide for teachers and trainers PHARE Project: RO 2002/000-586. TVER – Technical Assistance
”Student's induction” Guide for teachers and trainers TVET - Technical Support
« Coaching scolaire – Augmenter le potentiel des élèves en difficulté » Gaëtan Gabriel
« Enseigner aux élèves avec troubles d’apprentissage » Administration générale de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche scientifique - Service général du Pilotage du système éducatif
« Les troubles d’apprentissage, pour y voir plus clair …» Service de Productions pédagogiques de l’enseignement fondamental
« Pratiques d’écoles et équité » Benoît De Waele
A Criança com Hiperactividade e Défice de Atenção Centro de Estudos, Documentação e Informação sobre a Criança do Instituto de Apoio à Criança
Absentismo escolar, atención a la diversidad y educación social en los I.E.S. de Vigo. Juan Borja Álvarez Novoa.
Absentismo y abandono escolar: una situación singular de la exclusión educativa González González, Mª Teresa
Alunni con BES Dario Ianes e Sofia Cramerotti
Applications V. Regarding Social Justice in Elementary Schools of the Executive Opinion Ekber Tomul
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children Centro de Estudos, Documentação e Informação sobre a Criança do Instituto de Apoio à Criança
Autoconcepto, proceso de atribución causal y metas académicas en niños con y sin dificultades de aprendizaje Julio A. González-Pienda, José Carlos Núñez, Soledad González-Pumariega, Luis Álvarez, Cristina Roces, Marta García, Paloma González, Ramón G. Cabanach y Antonio Valle
Demonstrating Learning Disabilities in Mathematics for Students Teaching Approaches Soner Durmuş
Desenvolvimento de Competências Sociais nos Adolescentes Silva, Ana
Developing social skills of adolescents Silva, Ana
Equidade e Qualidade na Educação- Apoiar Alunos em risco e escolas OECD
Equity and Quality in Education – Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools OECD
Finlandiya’nın PISA’daki Başarısının Nedenleri: Türkiye için Alınacak Dersler Ali Eraslan
Ghid pentru copii cu nevoi educaționale special (pictograme) – aplicație pe iPhone profesoriitineranti.wordpress web site
Ghidul Profesorilor Privind Copiii Cu Nevoi Educaţionale Speciale În Şcoala (xxx) (versiune preliminară: la latitudinea şcolilor) Proiect PHARE: RO 2002/000-586. Învăţământ profesional şi tehnic – Asistenţă tehnică
Guide for children with special educational needs (icons) - iPhone app
Il trattamento dei disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento scolastico Patrizio E. Tressoldi e Claudio Vio
Il trattamento dei disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento scolastico Patrizio E. Tressoldi e Claudio Vio
Ilköğretim Müfettişlerinin Kaynaştirma Uygulamasina Ilişkin Görüş Ve Önerileri Özlem Gözün – Nermin Yikmiş
İlköğretim Okullarındaki Sosyal Adalet Uygulamlarına İlişkin Yönetici Görüşleri Ekber Tomul
In class with a student with learning disorders Giacomo Stella
In classe con un allievo con disordini dell’apprendimento Giacomo Stella
Index for Inclusion. Una guía para la evaluación y mejora de la educación inclusiva Giné, C., Durán, D., Miquel, E., Sandoval M., López, M.L. & Echeita, G.
IndexforInclusion. A guide to the evaluation and improvement of inclusive education Giné, C., Durán, D., Miquel,E., Sandoval M., López, M.L. &Echeita, G.
Insegnare al principe di Danimarca Carla Melazzini
Inspector of Primary Inclusion Learning to Apply Opinions and Advice Özlem Gözün – Nermin Yikmiş
Jovens Surdos. Percurso escolar e expectativas profissionais Gomes, Maria do Céu
Kaynaştırma Öğrencilerinin Sosyal Becerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi Bülbin Sucuoğlu, Osman Özokçu
L’effet domino « Dys » Roselyne Guilloux
La Parola Fa Eguali Don Lorenzo Milani
Las Medidas De Respuesta A La Diversidad: Posibilidades Y Límites Para La Inclusión Escolar Y Social Martínez Domínguez, Begoña
Learning Disabilities: Cognitive Approaches Maria Tzouriadou, Giorgos Mparmpas
Learning troubles, to have a better look « Les troubles d’apprentissage, pour y voir plus clair …» Service de Productions pédagogiques de l’enseignement fondamental
Matematikte Öğrenme Güçlüğü Gösteren Öğrencilere Yönelik Öğretim Yaklaşımları Soner Durmuş
Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) Dario Ianes e Sofia Cramerotti
Reading disorder (or more simply ... dyslexia), mathematics disorder (or dyscalculia) and disorder of written expression Marianthi Spourgiti
Reasons for the Success of Finland's PISA: Lessons for Turkey to be taken Ali Eraslan
School coaching – Raising the potential of students in difficulties « Coaching scolaire – Augmenter le potentiel des élèves en difficulté » Gaëtan Gabriel
School Practices and Equity « Pratiques d’écoles et équité » Benoît De Waele
Self-concept, causal attribution process and academic goals children with and without learning difficulties Julio A. González-Pienda, José Carlos Núñez, Soledad González-Pumariega, Luis Álvarez, Cristina Roces,Marta García, Paloma González, Ramón G. Cabanach y Antonio Valle
Stimularea Comportamentelor Pozitive Ale Copiilor Lecții învățate Ghid De Bune Practici pentru educația pozitivă a părinților, cadrelor didactice și elevilor Proiect finanțat de Guvernele Islandei, Principatului Liechtenstein și Norvegiei prin Mecanismul Financiar al Spațiului Economic European. Autor: Diana Stănculeanu, psiholog Irina Petrea Consultanți: Georgeta Pãunescu, coordonator program Dana Munteanu, sociolog Andreea Biji, psiholog Coordonare: Gabriela Alexandrescu
Students' Evaluation of Mainstreaming Social Skills Bülbin Sucuoğlu, Osman Özokçu
Study of vowel perception in school children with Attention Deficit Disorder / Hyperactivity Helias Voultsios
Teaching the prince of Denmark Carla Melazzini
Teaching to students with learning troubles « Enseigner aux élèves avec troubles d’apprentissage » Administration générale de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche scientifique - Service général du Pilotage du système éducatif
Techers’ guide regarding children with special needs in school (xxx) (preliminar version: at theat the discretion of the school) PHARE Project: RO 2002/000-586. TVET – Technical Assistance
The “Dys” Domino Effect L’effet domino « Dys » Roselyne Guilloux
The dramatization as a teaching method in modern school Zafeiriadis Kiriakos, Darvoudis Athanasios
The owl with golden wings Meropi Matta
The Response to Diversity: Possibilities and Limits for School and Social Inclusion Martínez Domínguez, Begoña
The Word Makes Equal Don Lorenzo Milani
Truancy and dropout: a unique situation of educational exclusion González González, Mª Teresa
Truancy, attention to diversity and social education in the IES Vigo. Juan Borja Álvarez Novoa.
Young Deaf. Schooling and professional paths Gomes, Maria do Céu
Διαταραχή της ανάγνωσης (ή πιο απλά... δυσλεξία), διαταραχή των μαθηματικών (ή δυσαριθμησία) και διαταραχή της �... Μαριάνθη Σπουργίτη
Η δραματοποίηση ως μέθοδος διδασκαλίας στο σύγχρονο σχολείο Ζαφειριάδης Κυριάκος, Δαρβούδης Αθανάσιος
Η κουκουβάγια με τα χρυσά φτερά Μερόπη Μάττα
Μαθησιακές Δυσκολίες: Γνωστικές Προσεγγίσεις Μαρία Τζουριάδου, Γιώργος Μπάρμπας
Μελέτη της φωνηεντικής αντίληψης σε παιδιά σχολικής ηλικίας με Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής/Υπερκινητι... Ηλίας Βούλτσιος

20 December 2014

Final Partners’ meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Florence (IT) on 15 December 2014. The meeting had the objective to check the activities carried out since the third meeting of the project and share and assess the in progress results. A special focus has been dedicated to the presentation of the strategies to solve the case scenarios.